About a session:

Bodywork sessions generally last about 60-70 minutes, depending on the horse. I always keep the horses well-being, emotional and physical comfort first and foremost in my sessions. If they are wishing to end the session early, I listen.

When we as humans train, we perform the same repetitive motion over and over, until it becomes muscle memory. When training horses, the exact sample principles apply.

One difference between our training and theirs, is the ability to communicate needs. I can directly tell you that it hurts when I move my leg that way. Your horse cannot. If you are not paying attention to the subtle language your horse speaks, you will miss it. We then continue to train our horses and the strain gets compensated and the muscle memory is now learning the incorrect way. Repeatedly performing the compensated way, over time breaks down the tissue and results in an injury. Horses become "sour" and develop habits such as rearing, bucking and kicking. Even the subtle "swish" of a tail can be an indicator of something just not right.

Session costs:

60-70 minute bodywork session $110.00

Additional charges at .55 a mile round trip may be added if out of 20 mile travel radius to Candler

Discounts may be available for multiple horses 

Packages available for 3+ multiple sessions

If you have ever wondered about the art of massage therapy, you have probably already done the research. It will tell you about the history of massage, how it dates back to 5000bc, how it evolved for multiple purposes throughout the ages, as it moved from country to country and civilization to civilization.

 A few examples of what massage has been proven to do are:

- Promote healing.

- Prevent further strain.

- Relieve pain.

- Reduce stress.

- Produce relaxation.

- Improve quality of life.

- Enhance performance.

We understand all of these things and reasons. Animals do not. They experience the process of and the effects. It may take a few sessions for them to finally accept the process and then enjoy the effects. Some horses step right over the fallen tree on the ground, others leap over it like it was a deep canyon. The same goes for massage and bodywork. Have patience in the process.